
Benefits of Upgrading Your Electrical Panel & Signs It’s Time

Benefits of Upgrading Your Electrical Panel & Signs It’s Time

Usually, electrical panels are out of sight, tucked away in the depths of your house without a thought about them. Only when it stops working, or something is wrong do most people finally notice it, but that is often too late. Old electrical panels become faulty over time, causing lights to flicker, electrical emergencies, electrical shocks, burnt breaker boxes, and many other serious problems. 

Upgrading your electrical panel offers numerous benefits – consider the following!

Increased Home Safety

Having an old, outdated electrical panel and faulty electrical wiring is a nuisance to deal with and a hazard that can lead to an electrical fire. 

Arc fault circuit breakers can prevent this problem. Like a smoke detector for your electrical system, arc fault circuit breakers detect an electrical discharge before it sparks, causing a fire. By detecting unintentional electric discharges and immediately shutting down the circuit causing the discharge, arc fault circuit breakers prevent insulation, wood, and other things in your home from catching fire.

Several additional hazards can be caused by having an outdated electrical panel, asides from electrical fires. Electrical shock directly from the panel, or due to the faulty output of a panel, is life-threatening and should be dealt with by a professional.

If you notice a foul odor coming from your outlets or panel or scorch marks on your outlets and panel, it is likely time for an upgrade. (We’ll discuss more signs it’s time to upgrade below!)

Consistent Power Throughout Your Home

Upgrading your electrical panel will provide sufficient power to more parts of your home. Say goodbye to flickering lighting or internal power outages, as your new electrical panel will be able to handle the workload.

While you may be under the impression that more consistent power to your home means higher electrical bills, that isn’t the case. Your home with an upgraded electrical panel is more energy efficient, so you waste less energy.

Not to mention, a new electrical panel will lower your home and electrical insurance bill because electrical damage becomes less of a risk for insurers.

You also don’t have to worry about frying out expensive appliances and consequently forking over hundreds or even thousands of dollars to replace those appliances. Consistent power also means your devices will likely charge more quickly in any part of your home.

Save Money & Add Value to Your Home

An upgrade to a 200 amp electrical panel could cost you roughly $3,000 to $5,000. However, upgrading your electrical panel will increase the power efficiency in your home, saving you money on your electric bills.

Additionally, replacing an outdated electrical panel will increase the value of your home and could be a selling point to potential buyers. As we move forward, more and more things we own require more power. An electrical panel should be replaced every 20 to 30 years on average, and investing in an energy audit can help you streamline your usage. 

If you’re considering selling your home in a few years, an upgrade to the electrical panel will show potential buyers that your home is safe, updated, and will protect their possessions with surge protection.

If fiscally capable, homeowners should look for all ways to save money in the long run. The long-term benefit of upgrading your electrical panel far outweighs the short-term cost. 

Seeing that electrical panels are replaced so infrequently, you likely have an old, less efficient, and less powerful model in place. New panels contain many more circuits and can now connect many more appliances—including high-powered appliances like hot tubs.

Something often unspoken about replacing electrical panels is the convenience fee of doing it before selling your home. New homeowners have all sorts of technicians and specialists coming to fix up their homes, and any way to ease that up is a benefit.

Great Idea After Adding an Addition

Have you recently started working on renovations or putting an addition on your home? Then you may need to consider installing a new electrical panel.

Depending on what type of addition you’re doing, it can add a significant amount of power draw to your home. To combat this, an upgraded electrical panel will evenly distribute the power to your home and your new addition.

One of the worst things that can happen is that your new addition catches on fire before and after completion. Since upgrading your electrical panel is all about cost-saving and risk aversion, there seems to be no better time to upgrade it. 

Building Code Compliance

Safety standards and building codes are in place to keep the occupants of the property more secure. If you have an outdated panel, there could be legal consequences for noncompliance and breaking regulations and building codes. Investing in a new electrical panel ensures you meet standards and that your home or business is up to code.

User Friendly 

If you're dealing with an old panel, how everything connects might be confusing and make it challenging to address issues, especially in an emergency. An upgraded panel provides an easier-to-use experience because the circuit breakers and switches will be labeled clearly. Some modern units come with advanced features like remote control options and digital displays, making the entire system much more convenient and easier to manage.

Signs It’s Time for an Upgrade

An old, worn-down electrical panel puts your home at risk of electrical failures and potential fire hazards. Because old electrical panels pose a series of risks, it's critical to keep an eye out for the signs that an upgrade is needed. 

Dim and Flickering Lights

Poor lighting can drastically affect your day-to-day life at home. Flickering and dimming lights aren't only distracting but can also make it difficult to see while doing just about anything at your home. If your lights have started to flicker and dim, it could indicate an issue with your electrical panel.

Outdated Wiring

Many older homes are still equipped with outdated electrical wiring systems. Back then, these systems didn't have to power the modern-day devices and appliances homeowners have today. Because of this, old wiring cannot correctly power all of these items. Not only can these old systems cause your appliances to fail, but they can also put your home at risk of electrical fires.

If your wiring hasn't been inspected or replaced since your home was built, don’t DIY it; contact a professional electrician. A trained professional will be able to inspect your electrical system and determine if you need an upgrade.

Burning Odor

If you ever notice a burning or melting odor from your electrical panel, contact a professional electrician as quickly as possible. Burning odors typically indicate a severe issue with your system and may result in a fire if left unattended. Don't wait around to see what happens. Take action right away.

Frequent Circuit Breaking

Circuit breakers are essential for protecting your home from an electrical fire as they detect and interrupt overloaded circuits. However, if you constantly reset your circuit breakers, your electrical panel will likely need an upgrade. Save yourself the trouble of tending to your panel. Get the replacement you need as soon as possible.

Your Electrical Panel Is Emitting Heat

Place your hand over the outside panel to check whether it feels warm. Unlike other electrical appliances, an electrical panel should not feel warm when used. If you notice any heat or smell coming from your electrical panel, it can be a sign of bad wiring; and needs to be checked out immediately by a professional.

You Have an Outdated Panel

If you just moved into an old home, there's a good chance that the electrical panels in the house are outdated. So before putting any load on your electrical panel, you should consult a professional electrician to have a look around.

If Your Breaker Box Is Producing Sounds

A breaker box usually makes a buzzing sound that is considered normal. However, if you start hearing popping and cracking sounds from your breaker box, that is a concern.

These odd sounds could be signaling toward arching, which would need to be checked and serviced by qualified electricians.

Your Breaker Trips Often

Breakers may trip for several reasons, including faulty wires, issues with your electrical panel, or a bad breaker. However, if there aren't any issues with your electrical wires and the breaker is still tripping, your electrical panels are likely at fault. Burn marks or rust on your breaker are also signs of faulty electrical panels.

Upgrade Your Electrical Panel With SoCal

At SoCal Electrical and Lighting, we offer electric panel upgrades. Our team provides honest communication and five-star service for such a big project as this. We also offer services such as commercial electrical services, custom lighting, and electric vehicle charging installation to name a few.

Request a quote online or give us a call at 760-699-2686 today! 

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